
Work Out Your Body & Feed Your Spirit

A lot of us are looking for ways to squeeze in some exercise; and a lot of us are looking for ways to fit in prayer or meditation time. Our lives are busy to the point of overflowing, but we still need to take time to take care of ourselves—physically & spiritually. If we don’t, our health deteriorates, our attitudes unravel, and we lose our best selves to the hectic demands of life.

At Challenge Martial Arts, we challenge our students to meet the needs of their bodies and their souls. In our kickboxing classes, we use the warm up and cool down time to meditate or pray. In our martial arts classes, we study and discuss concepts such as integrity, humility, and respect.

All religions incorporate a sense of mindfulness, a connection to divinity and to each other, and living a life of moral value. The instructors at Challenge MA are Christian, but we encourage faith in everyone’s lives and we respect people of other faiths.

We encourage you to be whole—be holy.

In our quest to train Black Belts with integrity, determination, and a high level of skill, we seek to develop both the physical and the spiritual potential that every student brings into the studio.

We do this by issuing a challenge: increase your self-confidence by developing, alongside martial arts skills, your connection with others and your relationship with God… Because developing character deserves as much effort as developing physical strength and skills.

We believe that everyone—people of every economic background, gender, age, culture, and religion—can increase their confidence through improved physical abilities, the regular achievement of goals, and the development of key character components.